6-9 Months

6-9 Months




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During the 6-9 months stage of a baby's development, they are becoming more active and curious about the world around them. Toys that promote exploration and engagement can help to further develop their cognitive, motor, sensory, and social-emotional skills.

Cognitive development during this stage is focused on problem-solving and memory. Toys that encourage stacking, sorting, and nesting, or have simple cause-and-effect features can help promote cognitive development.

Language and communication skills are also developing rapidly during this stage, and toys that encourage babbling, sound imitation, and listening skills can help support this development.

Motor skills continue to progress during this stage, and toys that encourage crawling, reaching, grasping, and pulling can help to promote physical development.

Sensory play is also important during this stage, as babies are exploring their environment through touch, sight, and sound. Toys that provide different textures, colors, and sounds can help to promote sensory development.

Finally, social and emotional skills are also developing rapidly during this stage, and toys that encourage interaction, such as peek-a-boo games, can help to promote social skills and emotional regulation.

Overall, toys that are safe, age-appropriate, and engaging can help support the development of babies during the 6-9 months stage.